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Double Nat issue


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Hi Everybody 

I understand that there are 2 option to avoid double nat and I need somebody to correct me if I am wrong please: 

first to put R3 DMZ wan ip in main router and disable upnp in main router and R3 

second to Setup a manual port forwarding rule on the main router  to the R3 - Source: 1-65535 Destination: 1-65535 TCP/UDP and disable DMZ in main router and R3 + disable UPNP in main router and R3 

so are these setup correct or anything else missing like same manual port range from R3 to PS5 or any other process ?


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Put the IP of your R3 into the DMZ of your ISP Main Router. 

That is all you need to do. All traffic will pass through your main router to the R3 without any blocks. 

For opening ports on the R3, its advised to open the ports rather than using DMZ on the R3 as the DMZ is known to block you out of accessing the router interace currently. Upnp is also a bit hit and miss on the R3 currently too. 

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2 minutes ago, swippur said:

On both routers you need the ports to be open

I would advise against opening the full port range on the R3. You should only open the ports needed for your game / console / pc

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You don't need to disable UPnP on either. No you shouldn't use both options. Not necessary to DMZ console on R3 - UPnP or port forwarding should get you open but you can resort to DMZ if required

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