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Adblocker not working across all devices(XR500)

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As per the topic, adblocker doesn't seem to work across all devices. I've been monitoring the stats for the past week and notice that zero ads and trackers are blocked for 2 of my devices.

QoS and DPI are enabled and i'm using the default lists. Adblocking works just fine on all my other devices(verified this by going to ad-heavy sites. E.g. youtube, instagram, twitter etc.).

I've resetted the router to defaults three times and it's been consistent in not being able to block on an iphone(no adblock or vpn profiles installed) and a stock windows laptop(no adblock in browser).

Any suggestions?


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Check the IP on the devices themselves then check the Device Manager and try to find the devices with the same IPs and re-name them. It's likely due to the options I mentioned above that they're appearing with different names

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the name change was not an issue.

adblocker not blocking on a couple of my devices is the original issue and still the issue.

disabling private wifi address on iPhone did nothing

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On 3/6/2024 at 12:20 AM, ggkthx said:

No luck with that. Also, those 2 devices don't show up in my Device Manager now even though they're connected.

What I meant by connected is that they finally show up in device manager and not to the adnlocker. So this didn’t solve the issue

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