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Geo Filter Connecting


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Why is it when I play a solo game with my geo filters on, i get into games fairly quickly.  As soon as I have a friend or 2 join my lobby and "allow" them.  It takes forever to join a game with the filter on.  So I have to remove the filter to get into a game.  Frustrating

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You're already restricting the server pool with the Geo-Filter so in some cases it can take longer to get a game. When you add another person into it, you're then further restricting the pool of already restricted servers available to ones that can accept 2 players instead of 1. If you cover more servers you'll be able to get a game faster.

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It seems as though I have 4-5 servers within my radius…would I be better off using the polygons to get more servers to connect to?  I guess it will take forever because I have 2 friends in my lobby with myself.

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