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GEOFILTER, R3 connecting to outside servers


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After factory resetting the R3, it works well for two days. However, on the third day, it starts to act sluggish, eventually preventing me from accessing the router's page. On this same day, it connects me to whatever servers are on MW3, and the geofilter stops blocking servers. Only setting I use is DMZ to PS5. I delete ps5 from R3, then resync then add it back, PS5 is off when I try this and it doesn't change anything. I didn't want to factory reset, to avoid entering all my wifi and dmz info again, so I ended up reinstalling the update. That seems to work for now, but I know I'll be doing it again in another 2 days.




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Us the simple mode for Geo Filter not custom. I went from not knowing what server I would be thrown into to 99% of the time the server closest to me with simple. Every once in a while I get a random server not with in my server. 

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Go to the geofilter settings and deactivate the upper point (geo-latency).

Then restart the PlayStation.

I also had the problem that I often ended up in Amsterdam, France and the like. Since I deactivated Geo-Latency, I only end up in Mainz (the servers closest to me)

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@ChrisG82You can’t necessarily block the game from joining the sever the only thing you can do is block the server once you join. Geo- Latency is a must be disabled feature unless your using Steady Ping etc.

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