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Il aura bientôt la version bêta du xr1000 ou pas?

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I don't think it is a problem on your side, you mentioned it happens direct to your modem as well with no other devices being used so its not an XR issue. Your ping from direct to the modem is low and very stable so really everything on your side is good so the only other option is your routing to the game servers or the game servers themselves. The latter of which I expect will get better after a week or so, basically when a lot of people get bored of the new update. The routing would be something you'd need to contact the ISP about but it would be hard to prove and I doubt they'd do anything.

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Vous l avez déjà la version de Netgear 

Votre collègue Netduma Lew la écrit dans un poste publier sur se site

Publier Le 23 Novembre 2023

Et cette semaine, nous avons reçu un firmware XR1000 de NETGEAR (exécutant DumaOS 3.3) qui est actuellement en cours de test interne.

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