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SmartBoost priority graph


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I was curious how my traffic was and wanted to see what might be using bandwidth and when I went into SmartBoost the activities graph showed an "unknown" device or app using over 100Mbp sometimes shooting into the 200s. I went into my device manager to see if a device there had activity and none of them did. Actually, there isn't anything in my device manager that isn't unknown. I looked at the priority list and device list in SmartBoost and saw the xbox was online but it didn't show that in the device manager. I am confused what might be going on. Any idea as to what happening here?

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@Netduma FraserI unfortunately did not look in the network activity tab. I wish I would've. But I forgot to mention, when I was watching the activities graph, I saw multiple things pop up like, Microsoft showing a .1 usage which isn't significant, but what did alarm me was tiktok showing up as an activity. It's just me and my wife, we do not have tiktok, why would tiktok be showing up as an activity? This worries me a lot.

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It's nothing to worry about, it just means that the router incorrectly identified traffic as TikTok - we know of a couple of things causing this and there will be a DPI cloud out soon which will improve it.

If you could check in Network Activity if you notice the high unknown traffic that will help us identify

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