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Some quick thoughts on features

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QoS - This goes off of whatever recorded speed which even with a good server it's not going to 100% get the best performance. (When I got fiber I had some issues reconfiguring things)

- On initial QoS setup, have the user put in what the ISP advertised speeds are they are supposed to have, then speed test to adjust while also having the headroom because sometimes you might have lower than average, but this way it allows for the headroom with QoS.

HVPN - I like this. The only improvement would be a QoL thing over anything else.

- With OVPN configs, it should be simplified down to just copy and paste the config file. Instead of only certain values of it. Which I think turns people off (did for me). Don't think it would be much to parse a text file based on OVPN having a standard format for configs. Would just make life nicer for anyone using it, similar to wireguard.

Traffic Rules - Kinda caught me last second, make it possible to clear the "Event Capture" window output.

Just some small QoL things.

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Thank you for your feedback, the R2 will be getting DumaOS 4 at a later date so some of these will be addressed with future features. 

Regarding VPN, you do copy and paste the entire config file, could you expand more on what you mean there?

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