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Apple Airport Extreme + R2 Setup


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Hello all,


I tried searching but no luck. What are the best settings/options to remember when setting up the R2 behind my Airport Extreme 6th-Gen? Should I enable any type of settings such as DMZ? I wanted to know if I can still use my R2 for gaming via my PC (ethernet only) and the Airport Extreme for everything else WiFi-related? I know Apple Airport Extreme's have no QoS settings but is there anything I can setup within the R2 to help the Airport Extreme?

Setup will be as follows: 

Netgear CM1000 Cable Modem -> Netduma R2 -> Apple Airport Extreme (x3 for coverage)


Thanks so much!

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On 12/28/2023 at 1:24 PM, Fuzy said:

Hi !

From memory, you can put them in AP mode.

In this way the R2 will manage the QoS of the devices connected to it!


On 12/28/2023 at 1:41 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

The above would absolutely be the best setup in this scenario

Thank you both. Putting them in AP mode worked perfectly. I utilized this walk-through as well for the Airport config; https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254183258?sortBy=best

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