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Geo-Filter not picking up the Australian server?


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It's searching Singapore and Hong Kong only. It was working a few days ago. What could it be? Also when I only circle Australia, I'm getting a lot of "Unable to connect to a data center" error when trying to find a game, but it worked from time to time, ping was 120-130ms.

Screen Shot 2023-12-01 at 23.52.18.png

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Could you provide the ID of one of those blocked servers please outside the radius?

Servers can appear mislocated on the map and so that is possible, if you provide us with the ID and add it to your deny list when can correct it and you won't connect to it again

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The yellow icons are the other servers in their usual spots. I've restricted the geo to SG & Australia, but it's never expanding the search there! I think there are currently some net issues between SEA and Australia. Can someone here outside of Australia please try connecting to the Australian server? Or someone from Australia notice high ping on SG/HK servers recently?


https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=ping australia&sort=new (recent threads about high ping)
https://twitter.com/search?q=TPG Telecom&src=typed_query&f=live (nov 29)

I've tried speedtest.net and this website and here my ping to VULTR doubled/tripled and perhaps it's not working anymore because it's over the matchmaking limit of 200-300ms? I'm currently trying different vpn to see if I can get the ping back to normal.

Update: Managed to connect to a game in AU on vultr server using vpn (reduced ping from 300 to 200 - it used to be 120-130 before this problem). I guess it's back to playing chinese and japanese sweats on sg until they fix this issue: https://status.vultr.com/#SYD


Screen Shot 2023-12-02 at 15.43.41.png

Screen Shot 2023-12-02 at 15.59.35.png

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@adroI am getting regular pings to Singapore & HK from India, no issues. 


I thought I was the only one going nuts about the sweat levels in HK & SG servers. Even the non SBMM modes like war feel extremely drenched in sweat in these two regions. 

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3 hours ago, dpk_ydv said:

@adroI am getting regular pings to Singapore & HK from India, no issues. 


I thought I was the only one going nuts about the sweat levels in HK & SG servers. Even the non SBMM modes like war feel extremely drenched in sweat in these two regions. 

Have you tried the middle east server? How is the level of players there? It should give you a similar ping.

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In middle East my pings are lower and the lobbies relaxed. 

In Singapore and mostly in HK servers, I come across map glitchers almost every game. What are your pings to HK serves from Australia?


HK servers seem to have a larger player traffic compared to Singapore. In ground war, game always puts me in HK servers. The PC player population in HK is larger then console population there it seems. 

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