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New R2 wont connect to internet


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just got my new R2. having issues getting it connected to the internet through a tplink modem/router (n600 / TD-W9980)

I have changed my tplink to bridge/modem only mode.

If i create a PPPOE connection in windows and connect this pc direct to the tplink, i can access the internet, showing the tplink has a working connection.

if i leave the WAN settings are on default (dhcp), the R2 gets a WAN ip from the tplink but the public IP is unknown, and no internet connection.

i thought about changing the WAN settings to PPPOE which then allows me to enter the default BT usernames/pass , but im not sure what all the other settings would be. This to me would be presumably similar to creating the PPPOE connection in windows that works?

any suggestions?






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ok so i reset things back so that the R2 has 77.1 ip.

i can see that my tplink has given it an ip os (see pic)

but if i run the conn benchmark in dumos it doesnt do anything.

I also saw on other posts that you suggested putting the R2 into the dmz of the modem (tplink in my case)

I tried this, but the tplink wont allow it because its on a diff subnet? (The IP address is not in the same subnet with LAN IP address. Please input another one)

any ideas?



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id actually tried that already too and still no luck.

im on BT which i think does require a username and password (pppoe) [email protected] / bt.

If i have my tplink setup as a modem/router (not in bridge mode) , i have to enter those login details on the PPPoe network setup page, otherwise it doesnt work.

But if i put the tplink into bridge mode, there is nowhere to enter those login details. its not the same setup field options as PPPoe.

Im wondering if i need to choose PPPoe on the R2 wan settings which allows me to enter these login details?

does that sound right?

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As in you put that WAN IP in and it didn't allow you to save?

If you're using the DMZ PPPoE isn't required on the R2, if you're using it as modem/bridge then yes you'll need the PPPoE details in the R2 which is done in Settings > WAN, you need to select PPPoE

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sorry i should have been more clear. i tried the wan ip in the dmz, it accepted it ok, but still no internet connection on the R2.

Ive just tried disabling the TPlink dmz, and selecting the PPPoe option on the R2. not 100% sure what all the options should be (see pic). but still no look. (tried a reboot on both)

as soon as i select the PPPoe option, i lose the WAN ip on the R2, and its not listed on the dhcp list on the TPlink. so this breaks the local connection between the two entirely it seems.



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have you not got any R2 recorded settings for people on BT FTTC in the UK? 

I know peoples modems will be different but what should i be choosing on the R2?

ive also noticed the time and date on the R2 is incorrect which is not helpful when looking at the logs. how do we change these? (ive selecting gmt in timezone and automatic adjust)

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We don't hold any information on that as they're usually customer specific, if that's the only information you have then that is all you need. You may need to contact BT to approve the R2. Untick Daylight Savings Time then apply, does it show the correct time then?

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Bt wont give me any support over a 3rd party router that ive got sat behind another 3rd party router lol

Im amazed with all the BT customers you havent got a "default" setup recorded but ok.

the time doesnt update no.

im going to try a factory reset.

my only other option at this rate is to try a different modem.

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Not that they need to support it, sometimes ISPs need to approve a router to work with their setup if they require their own router to be used for example. You'll likely have better luck with the TP not in bridge mode, a factory reset could get it working again, keep us posted

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i never had to register the tplink with BT in the first place so i dont think thats the issue. it works so long as the PPPoe settings are correct.

if i put the TPLINK back to modem/router mode, what impact will that have? will that provide a double nat problem?

i can try that if there are no downsides to doing it.

what other things will i need to do if i set it back to router/modem mode.

disable dhcp?

disable wifi

put the R2 in the dmz?


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So i finally got it working, unfortunately i just had to give up putting the TP in bridge mode. It just wouldnt work with the R2, even though it gave it an IP it just wouldnt pass through the internet connection properly.

So the TP is back to "normal" router/modem, with the PPPoe network connection to BT as it always has been. DHCP still enabled to give the R2 an IP. Wifi is disabled.

DMZ enabled with the R2 ip address in it.

Now to see if the Geofilter works.....

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