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Quick Questions on Geo-Filter


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So I have my Geo-Filter set so that I only get people on my side of the country for the most part (West Coast) and was curious if this only affected the game I am setting it for specifically (Call of Duty) or if this will affect other games like Apex Legends. I tend to choose to play on Japanese servers as sometimes a few friends like to play there. Wouldn't want to add any additional ping onto that or any issues network wise and all.

Another question is this, does the setting for Call of Duty only affect the Multiplayer or does it also work for Warzone as well? And does it work when I'm the party leader with a group or does the game ignore that and place me in other lobbies outside my region if the squad I'm playing with is scattered around? I have it on strict mode so that it should block other servers outside the circle I have it on (500 mile circumference).

My last question is this; As I have Geo Filtering On and it's a toggle, is it that simple? Or do I have to Resync the cloud for the changes to take effect? I occasionally turn it off hence me asking.

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Hey dude I’m not an expert but will answer based on my experience with R2 on call of duty.

For the first question, it’s unavoidable that when you play on a server which is far from your usuals your ping will naturally be higher that can’t be avoided. Although how high I can’t tell you you’d need to test it yourself. MW3 beta was great to test this as the game shows you your live ping so I’d say have a go and see. 

(edit : not all server quality is the same, so you may potentially get better ping on a server which is further away but this is rare) 

For your second question, once you set your geofilter on your console it will affect that connection regardless of game. So you’d have the same geo filter settings in warzone and MP. 
From personal experience, you have to be party leader or you either won’t find a game or be kicked from the lobby once a game starts If someone else is hosting and they get a server outside of your set region. 

For your last question, yes a simple toggle is all it takes and yes I believe you have to resync every now and then to ensure  you’re getting the correct server locations. 

(edit: sorry yes the process is simple but you have to assign the connection you want the geo filter on, so assign it to the console you’re playing on from the drop down after you click add - this is from using the R1 and R2 I don’t know if all routers are the same but I expect they would be). 

again I’m not an expert so happy to be corrected by others.

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  • Administrators
7 hours ago, KOAO said:

So I have my Geo-Filter set so that I only get people on my side of the country for the most part (West Coast) and was curious if this only affected the game I am setting it for specifically (Call of Duty) or if this will affect other games like Apex Legends. I tend to choose to play on Japanese servers as sometimes a few friends like to play there. Wouldn't want to add any additional ping onto that or any issues network wise and all.

Another question is this, does the setting for Call of Duty only affect the Multiplayer or does it also work for Warzone as well? And does it work when I'm the party leader with a group or does the game ignore that and place me in other lobbies outside my region if the squad I'm playing with is scattered around? I have it on strict mode so that it should block other servers outside the circle I have it on (500 mile circumference).

My last question is this; As I have Geo Filtering On and it's a toggle, is it that simple? Or do I have to Resync the cloud for the changes to take effect? I occasionally turn it off hence me asking.

Some good advice above, in essence:

  1. It depends on the service you're using but generally yes it would affect other games as well so best to re-assess the settings if you're going to change game. 
  2. It would work for Warzone as well. Yes you need to be the party leader and then when you get a game within your settings your party will come with you.
  3. Yes that simple, when the cloud is updated your router will automatically download it as it checks periodically for any updates. The resync button essentially forces it to re-download the files from the cloud, whether there is a new update or not.
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  • 1 year later...

So, basically, I have some friends in India and I live in the UK

Whenever we matchmake when I am the host - I get 20-30 ms ping - they get 180-200

When they host - I get 250+ ping.


I was planning to get XR1000 - so that I can setup geo-fencing in Saudi - so that we can both get maybe 120ms ping. Good for both ends.

Will they be able to join me if I send them an invite when my geo filtering is set to Saudi?

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  • Administrators
59 minutes ago, NeOHulK20 said:

So, basically, I have some friends in India and I live in the UK

Whenever we matchmake when I am the host - I get 20-30 ms ping - they get 180-200

When they host - I get 250+ ping.


I was planning to get XR1000 - so that I can setup geo-fencing in Saudi - so that we can both get maybe 120ms ping. Good for both ends.

Will they be able to join me if I send them an invite when my geo filtering is set to Saudi?

Yes that shouldn't be a problem assuming you can force that server regularly

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