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Moderate or Strict Nat Type or Teredo IP İssue


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@Netduma Fraser Hi Fraser and everbody,

Im new Netduma R2 user. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this great product. But I have a few problems and i need your support. I use R2 connected to ISS Modem/Router. I opened the dmz by entering the R2 wan ip inside the iss modem. All my devices are connected to R2. The only port in my iss modem is R2 via LAN1. After all, i have a nat error or a teredo error.

Nat type error>strict or moderate

i was able to overcome the teredo error by turning off the geofilter. But I'm turning off R2's most important feature.

On the other hand, when I overcome the teredo error, I get nat error. Sometimes nat type open and issue is gone. No layout and no standard.

My english is terrible. Sorry for this. Thanks in advance for your support






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Hi @Netduma Fraser,

solved the problem. I noticed some servers (london server and washington server) outside the geofilter. i've allowed these servers. Nat type is open and no teredo issue now. :)

Topic can be closed. Thank you for such an excellent product :)




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