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geofilter efootball

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i'm a player of efootball on ps5. we had some problems on the hitmap ping and geofiltet

the new servers like madrid didn't appear on the map. when the list will be updated ? 

according to the geofilter, all opponent are shown as a person with peer connection and not as a server but when asking them, its really a server not peer to peer game 

why the efootball don't appear on the geofilter profil (did we have to put unreal engine game ?)? is that the reason of wrong location and wrong ip on the geofilter automatic ping ? 

i never found a server when playing. always opponent 

who can help me ? 


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For PS5 when you add it to the Geo-Filter select the manual option, this will add it with the Games Console service and allow you to filter. The peer icons just mean the servers are misclassified but will actually be servers and won't affect your connection, it's just a visual mistake.

We will be updating Ping Heatmap to reflect the new servers, Alex is very busy at the moment so hasn't been able to do so at the moment but I am frequently reminding him.

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efootball isn't avalable with the games list on geo filter manual option 

i put unreal engine but didn't know if it is ok with it. when efootball will be added the peer visual mistake will be fixed ? 

ans now how can we know if it is a p2p game or peer to server game ? are there any method or index to know it becoz p2p games are horrible on efootball 

also, i noticed that the adress ip shown don't refer to the location on the map. sometimes the adress ip was america and it's shown madrid on the map 


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With the manual option the Games Console service is added which is what should be used to filter consoles/console games so use that and you can filter the game.

I believe the game only uses dedicated servers so you don't need to worry about telling the difference. We will sort the incorrect classifications/locations in a cloud update when Alex is able to.

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after the last update, surely the most of division games on efootball are p2p unfortunately. 

we are all waiting for netduma update according to servers 🙏


otherwise, i'm suffering from bufferbloat only on upload. are there any tip other than decreasing the rate of upload on QoS ? 

thnx for your help

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no i'm only using ipv4 

but i denied madrid and swiss servers which are the nearest to me 

so most of my games are p2p

the friends games are on servers 

but many of division games are p2p

mabe becoz servers are saturated by coop 

i noticed that on many forums and with many friends 

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sorry for the delay

this  are screenshot of qos, geofilter pages and pingplotter test. 

i have a problem when i limit the upload. it stays always 100% when i did a test which not the case with the download. also, with bufferbloat test, my whole problem is with upload when my net being congested

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