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@Netduma FraserSo I did a bit of testing to figure out why I was experiencing packet loss through hybrid vpn and it seems any time you exceed bandwidth you get packet loss this also seems to happen on my ps5 which is the only reason I noticed since it happened a few times while I was gaming and there was no other device running under hybrid vpn and this isn't an issue when it disabled.

  • I tested the disabling+enabled QOS that didn't work either

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@Netduma FraserI think it maybe the fact that it keeps doing updates on the cloud in the background for no reason there should be a feature were you can have the cloud updates update whenever you want not be forced to update as it slows down the hardware since it limited.


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Not sure when in the log specifically you were having issues but your public/WAN IP seems to be renewing quite frequently which could be part of it, can you set that as static and see if that improves it? The cloud files are so small I'd be very surprised if they caused any packet loss

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@Netduma FraserSo I think it was actually the Ethernet cable however now Hybrid VPN is not working as it not being applied to the devices I did do a reboot and that didn't work and on the logs it shows reloading IPS so it doesn't make since as to why it not working.

HVPN .txt

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