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COD is back!

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@KindaBustedWhat cod you playing? If it the new ones I guess temporarily but go check out any older cods like black ops/MW and it filled with cheaters/modded accounts with color changing gamer tags and that just on console couldn't imagine how toxic it is on pc 😂

To clarify not everyone is cheating but there are plenty of cheaters since it seems it becoming easier than ever for them to get the cheats plus they're advertisements on emblems people selling mods/cheats

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Black OPS on Xbox series x. Had been seeing lots of call of duty channels say that Activision pushed updates to the older titles getting rid of the cheaters. So I decided to try blops. Played four good hours before finally one cheater was able to get in. So it's definitely not perfect. 

However it's the first time in years that I was able to play an old title without every single game being filled with cheaters. 


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