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GTA V online, priorty setting for DPI, GTA ONLINE (SERIES)

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I don't see if there is a GTA (series) Priority on 3.3.347 if it could be added in the future, at a later date for GTA V, with the gunfights you get into with people, I don't know if it would even make a impact to the game for online, and later in the future to improve on it for for GTA VI when it releases.. GEO FILTER may not be suitable for the game with the players being from all over the world. no Idea if GTA has a lot of servers for online lobbies.

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I can certainly pass that on to get tested/added. If you're on console then Games Console or gaming as a whole will prioritize it. I believe it does work with the Geo-Filter, if you're on PC you'll need to give it the PlayStation device type in the Device Manager and then add it to the Geo-Filter with the manual option.

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