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Upgraded to latest firmware, R2 doesn't have internet connection


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I updated the R2 to the latest firmware which seemed to work fine for a day, but then the R2 spontaneously couldn't detect an internet connection. Contacted ISP who reset the modem and said everything is fine; I can bypass the R2 by unplugging the ethernet cable and plugging it into my laptop and speeds are great. 

I did a soft factory reset, and it still says no internet connection detected during the setup wizard. I can't finish the setup. 

What should I do next? Does this router need to be replaced?

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Click to set it up manually, then skip and complete the wizard, once you've done that and got to the main interface, reboot the modem, wait 2 minutes, then reboot the R2, wait 2 minutes and see if you have a connection after that

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