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Devices and traffic control on R2


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Hello, I have an R2 I just updated to 3.3.x

I have a hard time controlling devices and traffic of my kids. (Wifi)

For example, my daughter has an android with a connection set in the way that it recognized using the device MAC address (privacy alert).

1/ The device keep opening connection and I have between two or seven of the same device in my device manager.

2/ She just has to turn the setting off and she escape the traffic control. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂

I have a “home usage” wifi connection set for family devices and “guest” connection.

I’m trying to figure how I can set things in the way I disalllow everything but authorized devices with reserved IP and identification label on the home wifi.

Look easy but once in the while IP, even reserved are changing 

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I understand I should be able to control the traffic using "Traffic Controller" app. 🤣

I have 2 rules, one to allow all my daughter devices (mobile, console, laptop)  and one to turn them all off.

My issue is about selecting devices.
My daughter phone is "NTH-NX9" and there are 4 or 6 and they will kept adding as I can't LOCK on the IP.

On her mobile I turned off Network Privacy for this Wifi connection but that doesn't help:
1/ The device keep adding on the Device Manager (without it turned off) (seems the device or an app is communicating on other IP)
2/ She can turn it off easily

I went on Network Settings => DHCP and set a Reserved IP for this device that didn't help.
(devices sometimes change IP and bypass the reservation - seeing on her laptop Win10 and my second computer Win11)

I'm using IPV4 and IPV6 does that make a difference ?

I hope you understand where I'm stuck.

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20 hours ago, Fuzy said:


Have you restarted the devices after setting up the static ip?

Maybe by setting the DHCP lease Time to 168 And by choosing an ip outside the dhcp range of the R2...!

  1. Change the DHCP lease time to 168
  2. Choose an IP outside the range of the R2
  3. Restarted

The device picked a new IP... but not the one set at Network Settings => DHCP. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I understand I can solve this by setting on each device a manual fixed IP, but that's quite a pain !

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So what I would suggest is an extension of what has been suggested already, set reserved IPs for devices on the router outside the DHCP range - identify the MAC address/device that shows up for your daughters device when the network privacy/random MAC is disabled and ensure it has a reserved IP. Once you've done that then disable DHCP entirely. This should keep each device on the IP that it has. If your daughter then tries to get around the Traffic Controller rules by enabling the network privacy option, the router will read it as a new device but as DHCP will be disabled it won't be able to give it an IP address and therefore it won't be able to get internet and so she will be forced to disable the option again to get any internet (depending on what your rules are).

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I understand what to do, it is just that it doesn't work with your software !

IP Reserved from DumaOs don't stay reserved for the corresponding Mac Adress.



this should keep each device on the IP that it has.

Is wrong (or doesn't work as expected.

Meaning my Windows10 keep changing IP even if Network Settings => DHCP are set to force him to use a reserved IP.

The only solution I have is FROM the device to set a fixed IP (IE: Windows10 doesn't DHCP but Manual (or static IP).
That's ok for a computer I control, that doesn't work to solve the issue with my daughter mobile....


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