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packet loss mw2


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hello, the case concerns packet loss on the Polish cod mw2 server, once it is ok and another time on the same ip address of the server there is packet loss, what is the problem? I reported it to my fiber internet provider and he tells me it's not their fault I also added a photo from the winMTR program which they told me to check the server






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Pinging the game server in the way you are doing will always result in packet loss as the servers reject pings, we can only do it as we implemented a workaround.

Can you provide a screenshot of a completed Connection Benchmark test please?

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  • Administrators

You'll need to experiment with the upload percentage on Congestion Control to get the Ping Under Load graph results down to a more flat level, so change percentage, test, change, test etc until you find a good value. Then see if you still have packet loss.

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