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[Suggestion] [R1] IP Log

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Hi there,


It would be nice to have a feature (that can be turned on or off, off by default) that will display a log of IP's that we connect too.


For example, if I load a website, it logs the IP of that site's server.


Or if I connect too Xbox Live, it logs the IP I connect too.


This can be handy for troubleshooting troublesome servers, as is the case I'm facing with Microsoft at this time.

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I'll tell you why this probably won't happen, some people will abuse it and we definitely don't want to open up that can of worms because it wouldn't just be MS servers etc but player/peoples IP's as well. We have the ID system at the moment, if there are any IDs you want me to check the IP of for you I can do that, I'll then check it and see if its not a person etc just PM me if you wish to do that :)

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I'll tell you why this probably won't happen, some people will abuse it and we definitely don't want to open up that can of worms because it wouldn't just be MS servers etc but player/peoples IP's as well. We have the ID system at the moment, if there are any IDs you want me to check the IP of for you I can do that, I'll then check it and see if its not a person etc just PM me if you wish to do that :)


Ah alright. Didn't know you'd be able to check. :) That's very handy. Once I get my hands on an R1, run some speed tests from my XB1, I'll PM you if I need the IP. :)

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Yep I can convert them quite easily :) Awesome sounds good! Plus even having MS servers IPs and such out there would be bad, they get DDoS issues as it is sometimes so definitely don't want to contribute to helping that!

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Yep I can convert them quite easily :) Awesome sounds good! Plus even having MS servers IPs and such out there would be bad, they get DDoS issues as it is sometimes so definitely don't want to contribute to helping that!


Oh yeah, totally understand that about the DDoS. It's just, there's a big issue at the moment about the download speeds the XB1 is giving to users in the UK. Except, without the server IP we connect too, it is almost impossible to find if it is a server-side issue or a hardware-side, since all networks from our ISP's are fine, and every other device gets the expected speed.

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Well I agree that giving users access to the IPs could be a very bad thing, If we get booted or DDOSd, couldn't we still have a log with the server ID that shows who is sending us the packets? It still protects you and prevents misuse of the duma yet will give us a tool to know who is killing our connection. 

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