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Suggestions for the most reliable duma routers to date?


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It's been a while since I have been in here, and honestly its because call of duty and alot of games lately have gone south. MW2019, Cold war to name a few. I want to attribute some of this to my cable connection just being absolutely dog....well you know. Anyways, Im finally getting FTTP tomorrow, super super excited about it. I am hoping fiber alone relieves me of alot of my unstable ping issues that cable just riddled me with among other things, so it does tempt me to want to get back into games and become more competitive again. I have seen people playing MW2019 and Cold war with fiber and absolutely dominating, meanwhile me and my cable connection its a gamble on if the hit detection will play out well enough to get kills, and more often than not its just a bad scenario. 

Anyways, back to the main topic, what would be a good option for me with a 1000/1000 fiber connection? Im not sure if ill even need Qos, but I do greatly miss the geofiltering, and for all I know I may never need it. I will definitely do some testing in matches and problematic games, and then if I have no issues, great. I expect I will get some far out lobbies though, and I would like to be in more control of that. So can anyone shed some light on the top 2/3 routers that would be recommended?

Thanks in advance,



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Of the routers we make the R2 is the best choice (also the only one we currently sell), it has the very latest software and we have early access to try new versions. With any router you're unlikely to get 1000 exactly as router processing will cause it to drop a little, it's possible to reach ~900 with the R2 but it may be a bit less. Of the XR routers the XR500 has been out the longest so is likely the most stable in that sense. 

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