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Hopefully a simple question

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Hey guys! Wanted to reach out to you today with a question. On April 23rd, I will be hosting a charity stream for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. We have many giveaways and incentives lined up for it, but I was considering adding my R2 into the giveaway mix. Unfortunately, I no longer have the original box or any of the paperwork associated with it. I was wondering if there was somewhere I can download (or if you can send me) any info associated with the router that I could provide to me so that the winner can easily setup and navigate the router with ease? Thank you in advance!

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That's great to hear! Yes, here is a digital version of the Setup Guide that you would normally receive with the router: https://www.dropbox.com/s/apu6q9ll5m18u83/R2_V3_User_Manual_CMYK.pdf?dl=0 takes you right from the start of getting the router, what you need to do and going from there.

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