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High ping and network problems

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Hi there, I got a new gaming pc. Once I plugged in my Ethernet cable everything is fine. However when I start playing games it will be fine and all of a sudden I will get high ping or network problem for a few secs and will disappear.

I have an XR300 and on the latest firmware and using virgin media internet (100mb). I am using QOS but ‘never’ on anti buffer.

my traffic prioritisation is just the box ticked and haven’t set the individual Pc yet as I’m not sure what settings. Should I put my PC as Game console?

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You should be using Always or When High Priority Traffic Detected/Auto Enable for Anti-Bufferbloat as that will help with lag. Is Traffic Prioritization showing traffic being prioritized? If so no need to add manually. Are you using the Geo-Filter? What game are you playing?

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Hi there, 

Initially I had QOS off as I wasn’t getting my speeds on Wi-Fi for my phone as an example. I have a lot of devices in my house so I had to put traffic to ‘never’ to still be able to use QOS and have the speeds. I have not checked whilst playing but this is for Valorant.

Geo filter is off as I just don’t like using it. I initially thought it was some type of packet loss but did a packet loss test on the command terminal and it seems to be all good.

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With QoS enabled it will lower speeds but all devices will still be able to use the internet just as normal, they are unlikely to be affected by the reduced bandwidth - only really when a speedtest is done. Yes that means Traffic Prioritization is working, I would recommend to use Congestion Control as that is a big aspect on what can reduce lag - without using it options become more limited

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