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Not getting right speeds :((


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So just upgraded my virgin from 350 to 500. 

I'm getting 500 wired into the R2 but not on WiFi. 

My router is like 2 feet from my bed, there is only me connected to this network. 

I reset my Virgin hub and started from scratch, I've also just done a factory reset of the R2 but on WiFi I'm still getting 260 down which is what I was getting before I upgraded my speed on WiFi. But when I plug an ethernet to the R2 to my laptop, boom 500. 

Any help much appreciated must be something simple. 

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Sorry to say but it is unlikely you'll see those speeds through the WiFi but here are some things you can try that could boost it:

  • Disable Mirror Mode, give 2.4/5GHz different names and apply - you'll want to connect to 5GHz specifically for speeds
  • Use a WiFi analyzer to find the least congested channel and change to that
  • Experiment with the widths to see what gives better results
  • Ensure it's in an elevated position - not on a metal surface
  • Ensure there aren't any electrical / wireless devices e.g headphones etc within close proxity ~3 feet if possible
  • Set the antennae to this position _ | | _
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23 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Sorry to say but it is unlikely you'll see those speeds through the WiFi but here are some things you can try that could boost it:

  • Disable Mirror Mode, give 2.4/5GHz different names and apply - you'll want to connect to 5GHz specifically for speeds
  • Use a WiFi analyzer to find the least congested channel and change to that
  • Experiment with the widths to see what gives better results
  • Ensure it's in an elevated position - not on a metal surface
  • Ensure there aren't any electrical / wireless devices e.g headphones etc within close proxity ~3 feet if possible
  • Set the antennae to this position _ | | _

Thanks pal will do all this tomorrow :))

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