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Issues connecting to FIFA servers

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I'm having issues connecting to the FIFA servers in Dublin or London, initially I was setting the geo filter to just the uk and ireland and it literally just wouldnt find a match at all, it kept finding a server in europe.

I've then gone to ping heatmap, selected FIFA 22, and its not even showing the Dublin or London servers (only finding Amsterdam and Paris - im located in Northern Ireland).  It's only actually showing 2 servers in europe, when there infact 8.

I have just got my XR1000 so im new to the whole system, hopefully I just need to change some settings!

Any help would be much appreciated.



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Hey, welcome to the forum!

For Ping Heatmap the servers can fail to ping occasionally but it won't affect the ability to connect to them on the Geo-Filter. The server in Ireland across most games is usually for authentication rather than being a game server so that's quite possibly why you can't get a game there. Is it occurring all throughout the day or more during off peak/late hours etc? 

They could also be mislocated on the map so put Ping Assist to about 20 ms and see if you get a game that pings under that value.

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13 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Hey, welcome to the forum!

For Ping Heatmap the servers can fail to ping occasionally but it won't affect the ability to connect to them on the Geo-Filter. The server in Ireland across most games is usually for authentication rather than being a game server so that's quite possibly why you can't get a game there. Is it occurring all throughout the day or more during off peak/late hours etc? 

They could also be mislocated on the map so put Ping Assist to about 20 ms and see if you get a game that pings under that value.

Hi, thankyou!

I've tried again today and im still getting the same results - the only server showing in europe is the Amsterdam one and sometimes the paris one.  I cant find a game when the radius is set to just the UK.

I've tried setting my radius to the whole of europe and its still only connecting to the amsterdam server.

Not once have I seen the london server yet - last night (thursday) would be a busy day for playing fifa, there would be alot of people from the UK playing at this time.  I was trying to play between 9-11, so peak hours.

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Try this:

  1. Quit the application/game/client completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Give PC PlayStation Device Type in the Device Manager (if on PC)
  4. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter with the manual option
  6. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up application/game/client

Then see if it works.

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22 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Try this:

  1. Quit the application/game/client completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Give PC PlayStation Device Type in the Device Manager (if on PC)
  4. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter with the manual option
  6. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up application/game/client

Then see if it works.

Thanks, I will try this later when I get home. Im using a PS4 at the minute, should I set this to PC or?

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18 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

No you can keep that as a PlayStation, let us know how you get on!

Soo that worked a treat, last night I played for a few hours all on the dublin server and it was great.  Today ive logged on and it wont connect to the dublin server again, however it appeared to be connecting to players at the bottom of the uk (just had 2 matches doing this).

Tried following the steps above again and now im right back to only connecting to Amsterdam.

What is going on :x  really want to connect to dublin again lol, the gameplay was so much better

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The Geo-Filter can only connect you to what is available, last night I suspect as it was a Friday night that population numbers up and more servers are being used so if you've used the steps again and it's different today it is most likely that the server is not always able to be connected to

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