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So I am here just to ask if there have been any updates for a overhaul and implementation of the beta firmware for the XR700 I'm on firmware and the new version .46 is just a security update. I have been getting double and triple listing of devices and devices getting restricted access for some reason. I have 40 lifx bulbs, a roomba, and two nest thermostats among other devices. The roomba and lifx bulbs and some phones have triple device/ip listings as well as loose access (connected without internet or can't get ip) errors. I have disabled the dos attack feature as it marks almost all of these devices as an attack and blocks them anyways. Everytime we have to reset or have a power outage we have these issues and it takes a few power cycles and a few days for it to sort itself out. This time after 14 days of uptime the issues have not resolved. I don't know if I need to buy another router (possible lack of support now?). Or if there is an actual epic fix that's going to appear in the next few weeks or months. Transparency and timeliness would be amazing or a direct response about loss of support would help me look for a replacement router. So should I wait or should I shop? 

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It sounds like you would benefit from setting the DHCP range to start at .100, then assign reserved IP addresses to devices between .2 & .99 so they're out of the DHCP range, apply, reboot from the interface, wait 2 minutes and see if that stops the issues. After the reboot clear all the offline devices from the Device Manager menu :menu 

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