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Drop fragmented packets setting on XR1000?

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"Drop fragmented packets"

I can't seem to find this setting. I would like to ensure none of my packets are being dropped whether they are fragmented or not. This is a requirement for my ATT Cell Booster and also for gaming.

Thanks guys

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There is no such setting.


It doesn't drop your packets only fragments them. This could be the case if you have a MTU mismatch but if you have it set for the right values it should not be a issue.

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Normally as Burt says they are split but when this happens it has the side effect of increasing CPU and memory overheads.

Routers are not efficient at handling this so with these routers it’s handled via MTU. When it’s fragmented the router has to reassemble it hence above.the fun starts if it’s dropped as it has to then send again.

it gets complicated but I know some lower their MTU on the forum but behind that they are slowing down the performance of the router. 

there are other ways of handling sizing but that’s on the more sophisticated routers but on NG it’s just the MTU option you have.



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1 hour ago, Newfie said:

Normally as Burt says they are split but when this happens it has the side effect of increasing CPU and memory overheads.

Routers are not efficient at handling this so with these routers it’s handled via MTU. When it’s fragmented the router has to reassemble it hence above.the fun starts if it’s dropped as it has to then send again.

it gets complicated but I know some lower their MTU on the forum but behind that they are slowing down the performance of the router. 

there are other ways of handling sizing but that’s on the more sophisticated routers but on NG it’s just the MTU option you have.



Thanks for the info guys. Much appreciated. Is it worth it to actually get a more sophisticated router? I have 1gb up/down fiber, but I’m just looking to have the fastest everything for gaming. 

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27 minutes ago, Bert said:

Not really.


Gaming requires very little resources from a router.

Reason I ask is because when I do port forwarding it seems to have a positive effect on hitreg in FPS games. Disabling SIP ALG also does. So it makes me think there might be other small things that might add up to being useful.

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51 minutes ago, xen said:

Thanks for the info guys. Much appreciated. Is it worth it to actually get a more sophisticated router? I have 1gb up/down fiber, but I’m just looking to have the fastest everything for gaming. 

No, these gaming routers are great for being easy to set up and use. When you step up to the more commercial type routers you will actually lose gaming  benefits like the Geo filtering.

Some of us like to mess around with networking or want services that give extra layers of protection or flexibility with firewalls and so on. I normally plug my Duma routers into what I use but even the all singing routers are far from perfect and in some cases really lacking compared to Duma.

the only time the routers will start to sweat if when you start hogging the WiFi with VR for gaming which is a different kettle of fish compared to gaming on a pc due to the requirements of this application depending on the clients hardware. 

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35 minutes ago, Newfie said:


No, these gaming routers are great for being easy to set up and use. When you step up to the more commercial type routers you will actually lose gaming  benefits like the Geo filtering.

Some of us like to mess around with networking or want services that give extra layers of protection or flexibility with firewalls and so on. I normally plug my Duma routers into what I use but even the all singing routers are far from perfect and in some cases really lacking compared to Duma.

the only time the routers will start to sweat if when you start hogging the WiFi with VR for gaming which is a different kettle of fish compared to gaming on a pc due to the requirements of this application depending on the clients hardware. 

Awesome. Thanks. I am basically trying to eliminate anything that might interrupt my packets or slow them down. Adjusting network adapter settings and some router settings has made a major impact on my performance in FPS games like CS:GO and Valorant and PUBG. Good info. Now I won't be looking at industrial routers and stuff haha

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