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Interesting MTU Change


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So I have noticed that if you change the MTU on the router itself 1000 or lower, your in game bandwidth goes straight up to 491xxx the exact same everytime, and thats a bit higher than what i normally get. Also, same thing in Cold War except it would show the bandwidth as '0' but I always felt like the bullet reg was way way better that way in cold war. If you think about it, on blizzard you change your download bandwidth value to "0" in order to uncap the download speed. I am undecided still if it makes a difference on Vanguard but if anyone has any input or anything thats cool. 

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

This is something that some community members have discussed in the past and I commented on that as well, worth having a look at what I posted and then look back at some of the comments: https://forum.netduma.com/topic/37104-warzone-lag-the-usual-shoot-first-die-first/?do=findComment&comment=319114


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