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Warzone Connection


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Hi All,

I have tried so hard to get competent within warzone (solo's) but fail miserably ,  I know every inch of the gulag and spend so much time in there !!   in short I suck big time ,  however I am no fool on multiplayer and hold my own very well . I know it's a different game and different strategy but the connection just feels off / different in warzone .  Even if I get my load out  and go to battle fully plated you can guarantee any one on  one situation and I am in my holiday home @gulag !!     

Is there a different setting requirement within Duma which would help , it does feel different .. or should `I just quit and carry on with multiplayer . Any assistance would be appreciated  

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There is no one setting really but a few different things you could try which I wouldn't recommend but have picked up from other customers are throttling your connection heavily using Congestion Control, trying a variety of ports to prioritize in Traffic Prioritization and setting a low MTU have given some people a better experience. You could also try forcing servers slightly further away to see if they play better for you.

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