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No More QoS in webbrowser interface.... One week owner.

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I own this router for one week. Updated before use to latest firmware. Bridged modem all was cool.

Last night my provider had downtime. The old router would just get a new ip assigned. This one XR-500 did not.

After a couple hours trying to fix the  issue, while not knowing about the downtime. I heard all should have been fine already. So i researched and found out there was no way to let the modem assign a new ipto the router, besides a reset via the interface....... What I tried as last ofcs... Hey got inet again! .... Do I have todo this with every provider network update? I figured np I made a backup! I did the setup process and loaded the backup. And I couldnt get into the router anymore with the same pass I currently use... As I had saved in the backup.. Security questions had changed also to some I had never had chosen... AGAIN RESET...

I own it one week.

I reset it again via interface and hardbutton, after I found out the QoS was not loading anymore... All works but not QoS .. he sole reason I bought this router...

Did a firmware reinstall, same.. It says Device not found in the QoS rule window left bottom.... Any advice as I might as well change back to my old setup now.



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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Its the job of the modem to assign the IP to the router so probably just a one off. The device not found issue is known on .130, easiest way to resolve it until an update is released is to downgrade, factory reset, then upgrade and don't reset

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Hey buddy, thanks for your reply. 


They almost never have downtime, so it's s econd priority. My main worry is the QoS panel not loading. I cannot use it now. Any hacks?



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1 hour ago, Dude said:

Hey buddy, thanks for your reply. 


They almost never have downtime, so it's s econd priority. My main worry is the QoS panel not loading. I cannot use it now. Any hacks?



If you do the downgrade, reset, then upgrade then the error should go away and QoS will load and be usable

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