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Wifi connects but No internet


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started happening when i accidently unplugged router and when i plugged it back in i couldnt get a wired or wireless connection. had to manually change IP, gateway address on my PC to get it to recognize the router. Then my wifi has always been off and on but now it wasn't working at all. Its working now but its cutting in and out a lot. I really could use some help thats not waiting for reply to a thread but an actual video or phone call. 

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We don't provide that kind of support as we're a small company. While connected via ethernet disable WiFi on the router entirely, apply, reboot from the interface, wait 2 minutes, enable WiFi, apply, reboot from the interface, wait 2 minutes then connect via WiFi and see if it's more stable

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Done that same thing applies. getting less than 1 mb speed during speed tests when i pay for 1000mb or 1GB. used to have same speed test results as i do wired almost. at least 500 MB. was only able to get wifi working by tweaking with it and changing settings from i originally used for months. 

I used to use mirror mode just fine, and now i have to seperate bands to get wifi to work at all. Makes no sense, but speeds still aren't good and can't even download a video file from google drive on my phone. it just wont download. 

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You won't get up to those speeds with the WiFi really, can you provide a screenshot of your QoS page please? 

Have you moved the router location or put any electrical/wireless (e.g. headphones, remotes etc) within close proximity ~3 feet of the router?

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