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New netduma r2 not working


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I’ve purchased the net duma r2 brand new 

live set it up completely correctly from manual and official YouTube videos and it doesn’t work it says no internet connection 


I can connect to the netduma network but there is no internet connection 

there is no connection to my Xbox hardwired no nothing 


internet light intermittently flashes , 2.4 and 5 ghz lights constantly flash 


I connect to netduma Wi-Fi via my phone says no internet connection 


if I take the netduma away and have my set up as normal everything works perfectly 


I think my netduma has arrived broken 


I’m stuck for answers on how to fix this help appreciated thanks 

Factory resetting multiple times has done nothing aswell 


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Just to double check, have you accessed the interface and completed the setup wizard? You will be unable to get internet until you've done this. If you have what is the model of the modem/router the R2 is connected to?

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It turns out all I had to do was open it in chrome and not internet explorer and I could do the set up wizard . It’s all set up now , but an issue I have now is my Xbox has gone from open Nat to strict Nat and it says I have double Nat detected . Thanks for the help btw 

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I have a bit smart hub 2 . I can’t find dns anywhere , what I did find was the dmz under port forwarding config turned it on and choose the net duma and nothing changed . I feel like I’m doing it wrong do you have an idea how to do it properly on my hub ? 

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Sounds like you did it correctly, on the hub give the R2 a static/reserved IP (the IP it has already will do) so it doesn't change otherwise you'd have to redo the DMZ each time. Then reboot the hub from the interface, wait 2 minutes, then reboot the R2 from the interface, wait 2 minutes and check the NAT

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I’m going to sound like a complete retard , but I’ve done what you said and now I can’t access the duma it’s asking for my user and password 


I haven’t made one . I’ve typed in the default which is on the bottom of router username admin password: password  . It won’t log me in keeps saying your connection to this site is not private . I’ve also tried my username and password which I made to get on these forums it won’t work . If tried starting the password with a capital p it won’t work 🤣 . Clearly Retarded but again I have to ask for your help . Sorry 

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No worries, when you went through the setup wizard you would have had the opportunity to set one, if you don't recall what it is, try no admin/password so just press enter without anything input, otherwise you'll have to hold the reset button for 30 seconds, release, wait 2 minutes and then go through the wizard and make a note of what you set it to

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The password problem turns out I was using a capital at the start of the password because I’m used to doing that when I actually set the password without a capital 🤣 


I’m not going to explain everything I’ve done and tried , but the only way I’ve managed to get it open is by doing what you said but I reset my hub to factory setting and duma then done the wizard and turned the dns on and selected duma in my hub . Ports open now and I’ve turned Xbox on and off multiple times to make sure it stays and works fine seems to have worked . Only thing I have noticed and I don’t no how to change it or how much of a difference it makes . Is my Xbox is ipv4 only now where before it was ipv4 &6 , how do I get it to be 4&6 and does it matter . Thanks for the help 

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Ahh well done for figuring it out! If the hub is giving the R2 a LAN IPv6 address and you have IPv6 enabled in LAN/WAN on the R2 then you should get IPv6 on the console. It's not necessary to use IPv6 but supposedly it's better for Xbox

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