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Netduma R2 vs OpenWRT


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For the last 3 weeks I've been trying to compare my new Nano pi R4s running open wrt to the Netduma r2. No matter what I did, it was almost impossible to get the netduma to lower my latency below 30 (which is an A grade). Even lowering the bandwidth to almost 50 percent the best I can get from R2 was 60. Odd thing was I had some of my best games when using the Pi compared to the R2 with and without the geo location on. Not trying to bash the R2 but just giving you my results, I honestly think the R2 is way underpowered to handle all of the things that can offer. So for mow my PI is my main router running SQM, getting as low as 20's and the r2 will be only for my consoles to use the geo location...but that I am still testing because I am still getting better games with the Netduma out of the way.


Any way my thoughts/ results


Have a good holidays!

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