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Somthing intresting


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 I recently just discovered how  the bandwith works in call of duty vanguard 

Its very strange and very very odd

Ile try to explain

In settings it shows you your bandwith   its the same page that shows your ping and nat type

Depending on your internet speeds   it should show a 7  digit number  for your band with

 But i never knew how it was worked out

 This 7  digit number would never  go over 4200999kbs for your bandwith

How cod vanguard works out our banwith is easy to find out ile  show now

The  first 4 digits of  the 7 digit number in banwith  is your upload speed


The last 3 digits of the seven digit number is  download speeds

Here is my bandwith 4000860

400  is my upload  and 860  is my download  speeds in kbs 

The wierd thing about this is  the game is capping our speeds they done this in older cod games as well

Heres what i finfd strange

The game is capping us at 999kbs  not mbs 

 999 is less than 1mb 

 You  can easily see this your self in  congestion conyrol by limiting your bandwith yoursels

 So atm the game caps are upload to 4120  around this number i cant rember the exact kbs

And it caps us to 999kbs for download very strange

This explains why  a lot of us are seeing   more upload traffic  going through traffic priotization

 I think  this is the answer


I just dont understand why cod vandguar limits us to 999 kbs fow download  and 4120  kbs for upload

I would thougt the  bandwith would  been vice versa 

Cappings us at 4200 download and 999kbs upload would make more sence to me

I hope i made sence

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It's just a UL test!

The test is limited to 5 Mb

1 Kb (English) = 1024 Bytes

1 Mb (English) = 1024 Kb = 1024 * 1024 bytes or 1048576 bytes

512Kbps = 62.5Kb/s

This is why 1000000 Bytes = 0.95 Mb and not 1 Mb




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Thanks  that makes sence now   i knew in the past they was mesuring bandwith with upload only i thought it had changed

Im still a bit confused by the math  but i undestand how its worked out  so thanks for the help 


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On the other hand, as you indicated, lower the ul, for me, at a possible incidence ... in the sense that I find lobbies more easily!

This ul test is certainly not innocent!

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