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NAT open/ restricted on warzone and CW


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If one game is open and the other is moderate then it is highly likely it is a misreading. Sometimes the Geo-Filter can cause this so you can try disabling the Geo-Filter before you open the game, if it appears open then you can ignore the reading

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I think it is a misreading unless you have missed a required port. You are on a very old version so updating could help potentially: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8z4kcynmo3glplp/DumaOS-R1-3.0.207.sig?dl=0 recommended you factory reset once the upgrade is complete

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On 10/15/2021 at 4:17 PM, Malboro-_-72 said:

my geofilter is deactivated I try nothing changes what to do more?

Are you using Hybrid VPN feature by any chance... some vpns arent as friendly as others and will cause NAT issues. Had some NAT issues before myself. 

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