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Netduma R2 Geo Filter Password


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Netduma R2 signs into wifi no problem. When i go to Geo Filter address that that manual and forums provide it is blank page with USERNAME\PASSWORD. 

I never made a password or username. I have been using the geo filter the last few months working fine and it never asked me for a  USERNAME\PASSWORD all of a sudden 

one day i try to log on to geo filter its asking for them. I already tried admin\password administation\password and using the wifi name and password none of these connect to geofilter.

I see no option to reset password or anything! Please help 

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

You would have made one during the initial setup wizard. If you don't remember what it is, just try admin for username and press enter, don't put anything in the password. Otherwise you'll have to hold the reset button for 30 seconds, release, wait 2 minutes then access and go through the wizard where you can set one again.

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