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Just got the R2 and having problems on Destiny 2


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Hi guys i just got a duma R2. i need some help should i use geo filter or ping assist on  destiny 2?

sadly i have been playing worse in solos since i got the netduma r2 and i have tried both geo filter and ping assist. if you can give me some advice please whats the best settings etc

i have qos enabled with a 70% down 40% up

i am using wired

i have geo filter on

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What is the difference in ping between playing with/without the Geo-Filter?

I'd recommend using the radius over Ping Assist. Can you also provide a screenshot of your Connection Benchmark test results please?

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22 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What is the difference in ping between playing with/without the Geo-Filter?

I'd recommend using the radius over Ping Assist. Can you also provide a screenshot of your Connection Benchmark test results please?

i realised i had the wrong device in my geo filter i had my wifi playstation while i was wired which is why geo filter was not working.

but can you answer me please when i do a benchmark test while my qos is on auto-enable id dont work even tho i am on my playstation but if i change the qos to always do i get good benchmark test results

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