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updated ping assist slider

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We could potentially do that but Ping Assist is a feature to assist the feature rather than to just use it specifically, perhaps in the future we can try that! Out of interest, why would you want to exclude lower pings?

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On 7/9/2021 at 2:07 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

We could potentially do that but Ping Assist is a feature to assist the feature rather than to just use it specifically, perhaps in the future we can try that! Out of interest, why would you want to exclude lower pings?

I'm quite frankly tired or getting matched up with the same people every day. It's like every day i get matched up with the SAME pro players or other really good sweats. There's like no variety in the lobbies and i just want a change on different servers and i feel like a custom ping assist range would be the easiest solution for that

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12 minutes ago, jtm52401 said:

I'm quite frankly tired or getting matched up with the same people every day. It's like every day i get matched up with the SAME pro players or other really good sweats. There's like no variety in the lobbies and i just want a change on different servers and i feel like a custom ping assist range would be the easiest solution for that

That's probably due to SBMM - easiest way would be to move the home location and adjust the radius to force different servers

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ok but i live in the middle of the ohio, chicago, and virginia servers so i have multiple "home" servers on the same ping... so if i only box in one of them it'll still try to force me on the other ones as well

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On 7/11/2021 at 2:12 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

You should be able to reduce the distance small enough to cover just the one state or use Polygon mode (if you're on the beta) to draw around individual servers

ight then why does the software connect me to servers that i literally don't have boxed in at all... i didn't allow those servers either... 🤦‍♂️

this is why a custom ping slider would be ideal because it would almost guarantee that the game doesn't try to connect you to under OR above a certain ping



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Did you set up the Polygons when you were already on the game? If so that's why - the game pings every server on bootup so it knows you can connect to them. Quit the game completely, wait 2 minutes then boot up and try again

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3 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Did you set up the Polygons when you were already on the game? If so that's why - the game pings every server on bootup so it knows you can connect to them. Quit the game completely, wait 2 minutes then boot up and try again

Yeah I always exit the game and wait for when I change my settings. Just letting you know though that the polygon mode and and even the regular circle mode is basically irrelevant in today's age of SBMM due to activision changing the way it works. Me and all of my boys noticed that after this update went out, normal geo filtering with the circle and polygon basically doesn't work at all anymore. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to y'all either since it's obvisouly activision that doesn't want these types of things to be used, but i'm just trying to help by bringing up ways to get around it

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Do this and see if it works better please:

  1. Quit the game completely - including the Battlenet client and ensuring it's not in the System tray (if applicable)
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. On the Device Manager give your PC the PlayStation device type (if applicable)
  4. Resync/flush the cloud from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter and select the manual option
  6. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like - you will need to have strict mode on and Ping Assist set to 0
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up the game
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31 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Do this and see if it works better please:

  1. Quit the game completely - including the Battlenet client and ensuring it's not in the System tray (if applicable)
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. On the Device Manager give your PC the PlayStation device type (if applicable)
  4. Resync/flush the cloud from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter and select the manual option
  6. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like - you will need to have strict mode on and Ping Assist set to 0
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up the game

Unfortunately this does not work either. Trust me bro after that update in april everything has been downhill and inconsistent from that point on

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