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hello guys hope everyone is ok

Recently i bought Nighthawk XR300 and since i started using it i came across issue with Party voice chat on my PS5 basically when i create party voice chat with friends i get this pop up message saying 

your friend cant chat due to a network failure which is weird i have perfect connection never had that problem before  and this happen since i bought nighthawk can i have some advice what could cause problem

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You will need to add your friends to the allow list, then you will be able to connect to them while in Filtering Mode, you can see how to do this at the bottom of this guide: http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000077072-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-geo-filter

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iam new to dumaos and i cant tell really as i dont know what to look for but when i look at the map everything looks normal  and also how come their ip changes ? i play with three friends daily i have noticed one of them their ip changed but he lives in the same city so i had lack of chat connection for about 2 min then it went ok but other two friends whom i have white listed which they live 1400 miles away their ip ddnt change and mostly i have problem with chat connection to them but when we are not in party chat just in game chat everything is fine so i am confused

plus i have some values ( NIL)  

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You would see yellow triangles if they were blocked on the map, do you see any when you invite them to chat? Are you all playing on the same platform i.e. PC, Xbox etc or are you on different devices? Depending on the Internet Provider they will have you on a dynamic IP where your IP changes

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there are no yelow triangles when we are connected just white player icons and we are all playing on same platform PS5 could this be dumaos firmware issue as i have other issue with nil values everywhere 

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I mean are there yellow triangles showing when the friends you're trying to connect with can't connect? Not an issue, just need to allow the right things. The NIL issue is a software issue on the XR300 and that will be fixed for the next firmware.

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