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XR 500 loose wifi connection to certain Iphone users


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Hello, it seems odd that certain users iphone users at home lose their wifi connection frequently on XR500 however other devices including iphones does not facing this issue... one of the iphone user changed her iphone to latest one for another reason but issue still followed her, so issue not from iphone. After i been theough my investegation about this problem i found that once i saw on the iphone wifi setting to that wifi connection it changed regular IP to different type barely noticed but looks like 169. Somthing... further search at router setting exactly at device manager, those who having this issue of loosing connection are assigned to more than three IPs but mac adress is only at one IP in front of it...

offcourse ISP modem restarted and XR 500 as wll, but issue still there

please help

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On the iPhone itself, in WiFi settings, click the i icon on the router WiFi and if Private Address is enabled, disable this, then see whether the disconnects stop. You may need to disconnect from the WiFi and reconnect to it to make sure it works.

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