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XR500 - 400 Bad Request - Boot Loop

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Good Afternoon,

I reset my XR500 the other day to do a fresh setup, i was on the latest DUMA beta build for the XR500 and it had been working fine for weeks, when i went through the setup process i can get to the Admin account settings page, after i enter the details on  the page i get a 400 Bad Request error and it will put me back to the speed test, it will then pick up my internet speed and then take me through the next part of the setup which is again the admin account page.

I have reset the router multiple times, i have tftp 2 different firmware's from 2 different computers, it will upload the FW and reboot the router but i am then back at the same stage, I left the router offline for the recommended 24 hours and still i am stuck in this bootloop, when i attach another router to the same network with the DHCP it will then assign ip address through the XR500 so the router itself is utilising the switch part of it.

To add to this my warranty expired on the 9th of May :( 

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Sorry to hear this, have you tried hard resetting the router using the pin on the back after uploading the firmware? Hopefully this can clear out anything leftover that may cause an issue and allow you to truly start fresh.

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