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XR1000 VLAN help

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So every time I turn on the VLAN setting and try to set it all up I never seem to have internet no matter what I change. Am I doing something wrong, has anyone else managed to successfully set up the VLANs with this router?

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I don’t need VLAN for anything, I just came across a security post of how to secure your network from NetDuma saying that putting the IoT devices on a separate VLAN is the best and most secure way to set up my own network. So I was thinking of giving that a try, with no success sadly.

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7 hours ago, Azvix said:

I don’t need VLAN for anything, I just came across a security post of how to secure your network from NetDuma saying that putting the IoT devices on a separate VLAN is the best and most secure way to set up my own network. So I was thinking of giving that a try, with no success sadly.

I’m not sure it’s possible on the XR1000 apart from Guest network.

I know what you mean but I don’t think it’s possible to have multiple virtual VLAN’s for your needs ie. you create a network with a VLAN tag of 300 for example and name it IoT apart from the guest option.
The guest network which should be isolated but you can’t create firewall rules for it either for complex situations using the tag ie. 300 and you would need to test it to insure it is really isolated. I don’t know what options are available under guests on the XR but say you have a printer on your main network and guests are able to share that printer it’s not isolated for example or you join the guest network with your pc and you can ping device addresses on your main network is another way to test.

The idea is your main network is isolated from IoT so if say they are compromised they cant see any devices on your main network.  

I’m not sure it’s possible either to know if they are compromised as the XR does not allow honeypot or has IPS/IDS but it does have Armor but again I don’t know it’s workings. That would be a question for NG. 


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