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Lag/Input delay when using NetdumaR2 in double NAT configuration

Oren Tasuna

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I have an Asus rt-ax82u router which I use as my main router for WiFi, QOS, LAN etc and my NetdumaR2 router is connected to it through it's gaming port.
I also set it to highest priority and defined Fifa 21 port forwarding to it. 

In NetdumaR2 I have disabled WiFi and I have only my PS4 and PC connected to it (wired), and I set same port forwarding rules in it for my PS4. I also set it to have high priority in QOS page.

However, I'm experiencing a very noticeable lag/input delay when using it compared to when using only my Asus router (with PS4 prioritized and port forwarding set to it), even though ping is significantly higher when using Asus router (because I don't have a Geo-Filter option in it). This is the same also when comparing playing against friends in the described configurations.

What can be the cause of it? am I missing something in my settings or doing something wrong? Basically I want NetdumaR2 to be used only for Geo-Filter, so feel free to suggest disabling anything that is not necessary.


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If you have QoS and Port forwarding configured on both routers, this will likely cause problems or simply make troubleshooting much harder. 

Are you able to have all devices connect through the R2? It will then eliminate any double NAT issues. Otherwise, you could try putting the R2s WAN IP in the Asus DMZ and disable all port forwarding configuration on the R2.

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I set QOS on R2 because I have a PC connected to it (otherwise I won't be able to see Geo Filter).

I can't put all devices connected to R2 (why would I need my Asus router then?), I had too many issues with R2 and I can't rely on it to provide good and stable internet, especially on WiFi.

So, If I put R2 in DMZ, but I have 2 devices connected to R2, don't I still need it to forward relevant ports to PS4? and don't I need to set QOS to make sure PC doesn't become a bottleneck?
I tried accessing R2 web interface from Asus router (which will enable having only PS4 connected to R2 thus not needing QOS), but I was told by you guys that it is not possible. 

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You can use Geo-filter without QoS being enabled, don't worry.

Putting the R2 in the DMZ will essentially do all port forwarding for you, you can then remove any port forwarding rules you have configured on the R2. If you have issues with the PC causing lag on the PS4, then yes you could use QoS to limit the amount of bandwidth allowed to the PC.

You'll need to access the R2 via a LAN connection, this means either connecting a laptop/PC to the R2 via an ethernet cable to one of it's four yellow LAN ports, or temporarily enable it's Wi-Fi radio and access it wirelessly.

Let me know if you need anything else!

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