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How frequently does the DPI database update?

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Does someone knows how frequently does the DPI database update?

A few days ago, XR1000 help my GeForce NOW(GFN) user experience. I used application based QoS and set congestion control to auto-enable 50/50.

Even my brother download games and I still can get almost the same quality score as no background traffic.

But after Nvidia update the GeForce Now recently, it seems that the GFN packets are marked as "unknown", so the quality is not as good as before.


I am so happy to have XR1000 and I hope it can help my family in daily usage.

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We try to do it weekly but based on what we are told isn't working or needs to be updated or what we've found ourselves - it would take too much time to test every single service/application on the off chance that something has changed. I'll let the team know and see if we can get this included in the next update.

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