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XR1000 Device Manager

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I' m having issues with this router. I have my PC connected through a wired connection.  The PC does not show up in the device manager at all.  When I use use data on the PC, it also does not show up in the traffic monitor section either.  Another issue I am having is when I go to the QoS tab, I get a message the says, "Error Device not found".  The traffic prioritization section is also blank with a loading circle around it. I have reset the router and the PC several times.  Any help would be appreciated.

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It sounds like you may have deleted the PC and it could be appearing as another device or you have the option enabled on Windows that makes it use random MAC addresses. You will have to either add the device back that you deleted with the same name, device type etc then delete it from prio or factory reset the router to get rid of the error

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