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Share Play?


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I've always been curious on what share play falls under on Ps4 for QoS on the applications side of things for when someone share plays you and when you do it for someone else because every time I have it on apps instead of devices in QoS it never allows share play to happen so I have to switch to devices to do it 4rm there instead 

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Just to clarify, how have you setup Bandwidth Allocation when using Applications that makes it not work? Regardless share excess should allow it to work, does it fail to start/connect completely? There is no category that inherently supports it, that would be an interesting bug if it's not covered then it doesn't get any bandwidth at all. Try gaming, livestream and media giving them equal bandwidth to see if that works.

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Yeah what I typically did was have 30% on upload but my son basically would tell me how the bandwidth is too small and wont let him do it so I always adjust it from the device area & it works like a charm every time there but not in the applications area 

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