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XR700 - Keep getting errors - Dumaos 3.0

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Recently, certainly last 7-10 days I've been getting errors coming up on the UI whenever I try to do things, wether its blocking a device for example or even more annoying, when I try to add stuff into traffic prio, every time I try do disable dumaos classified it comes up with errors, then when I add a rule and then try to deactivate it then an error comes up, if I leave the page and go back to it, wether the dumaos classified games has been deactivated or my own rules has been deactivated, it is back on again, and when I try to delete my rule it then comes up with another error and the rule will not delete.

Seems these errors are basically throughout the UI, but I'm only interested in important stuff like traffic, qos and devices

I have tried reboots, factory resets through UI or via pin at the back and nothing seems to work.

Help please

Screenshot 2021-02-24 at 10.47.13.png

Screenshot 2021-02-24 at 10.48.55.png

Screenshot 2021-02-24 at 10.49.55.png

Screenshot 2021-02-24 at 12.50.16.png

Screenshot 2021-02-24 at 12.51.10.png

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4 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Thanks for this, as you've already done a factory reset I'll go ahead and make a bug ticket for this so the team can look into it.

Also I have noticed when I put settings in the QoS flower, for example disable share excess download, allocate to each device what I want,  1%, 14% 5% etc etc, saving each change as I move through devices, then update distribution, when I leave the page and return it has reset itself, so all devices have the same amount, in my case 4%

I prefer to use the flower to control d/l and u/l to my gaming pc, but like I say recently its been doing this, so even though I go do a set up, go do connection test for best ping under load, then return its reset itself, I was hoping to isolate gaming pc too its own d/l u/l so when I'm gaming I can just set it up, press do not share excess and away we go, but looks like this is bugged

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17 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

For the flower, it may not have reset the distribution but rather reset the view as there is applications/devices you can allocate by. If you switch the view does it have your allocations saved?

When I am on the QoS flower devices, and a switch to applications and then back to devices nothing changes and is as it was set up manually by me.

But when I move from QoS to another page for example GeoFilter and then return to QoS devices, then it has reset the flower back to all devices having the same percentage, in my case 4, it does on the odd occasion not change it back, but that's rare.

Also on a side note I've noticed that every now and again when I do a benchmark test the D/L and U/L speeds are way below, for example 6/74 d/l and 5/18 u/l, when this happens no matter how many tests I do it basically stays around same speeds, ping goes from a normal of between 19 to 22 ping to between 60 and 80 ping, load ping is always around 62 ping for the 3 tests, so I get D D A+

The only way I can stop benchmark doing this is by factory reset, rebooting does nothing!!

Any ideas?

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Don't worry about the speed part of benchmark, that is something we're working to improve the results of - it won't be limiting your speeds to what is reported.

What web browser/device are you using to set up bandwidth allocation? Can you provide the exact steps you take so we can try to reproduce it please?

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8 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Don't worry about the speed part of benchmark, that is something we're working to improve the results of - it won't be limiting your speeds to what is reported.

What web browser/device are you using to set up bandwidth allocation? Can you provide the exact steps you take so we can try to reproduce it please?

I use mainly chrome but sometimes safari.

So what I've done is;

I assign every device a static ip under settings and LAN

Once I've done that I go into device manager and ensure that all the now named devices are there, as I've gone into device manager and it has changed devices that have been given names to unnamed device!!

I then go to QoS and ensure that the bars at top are maxed out at 100% and that never is checked

Moving down to the flower, I change this from application to devices, and move from device to device giving the device a set amount of bandwidth both up and down

for example;

I click on My PC on the left hand drop down list and it opens up the pane on right hand side, I then type in the Mbs I want to allocate the device, in this case download was set to 3mbps (cold war runs better for me on that number) then click save on that open pane, it then changes the percentage to, in my case, 3% I close the download pane.

I then go to the main download flower and click on update distribution

Then click on the upload button above the main flower

Click on My PC and it opens an upload pane on right hand side, click on the Mbs section and set to Mbps for upload to 1.5mbps, click save and the percentage updates, in my case, to 8% close down right hand pane.

On main flower for upload, click on update distribution.

I continue the above for each device, (20 devices connected via Lan or WiFi) doing everything the same way, some devices get 1Mbps (music streamers for example) varying up to 20Mbps for the video streamer ( 2 devices )

Up to 3 lines on Left side of main flower pane and click on it, then uncheck share excess on both upload and download

One more click on Download update distribution on main flower, and update distribution on upload flower

I then leave page and go to Geo Filter and get ready for gaming ( geo filter is always set up and ready to go, with small circle in ocean ping set to 35ms, strict mode checked ) wether gaming or not is wether filtering is on or not.

So go into geo and activate filter and leave the router for a couple of minutes, turn on gaming pc and log into game.

I only noticed the flower reset by getting a few bad games in a row and between looking thought I would look at the QoS, and then noticed that everything in download and upload had reset itself to even percentage between all devices

The share excess was still unchecked

Hope that helps, any questions fire away

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Thank you very much for this, I'll pass it onto the team to see if they can reproduce it.

Out of interest, can you assign allocations to the devices just by dragging the percentages on the flower please and see if they save correctly?

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I'll give that a try, at the moment I'm struggling to get any speed with the router, its like its locked on 7mbps down load!!, I went straight into modem and did a speed test and was getting 20 ping, 74 d/l and 18 u/l 

reconnect router and it gives me 44 ping, 7 d/l and 10 u/l

I've just disabled qos completely to see if that helps, I know the only thing that helps, temporarily is doing a reset, but after a day or two back to where I am now, think I may go back to normal firmwar and see how that works, but kids are going mental with me doing all this

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Seems by dragging the flower it keeps as is, but I like to do things by mbps, as difference between 9 percent and 10 percent could be nearly 1mbps (as an example)

So I have given my mac 60% of the bandwidth to test why I'm getting no speed, and its went from 7mbps d/l to 3!! ( oh and qos is back on fully but at 100% and button highlighted on never)

when I put it on 0 d/l it gives 63 d/l 

Now I am confused

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IGNORE LAST>>>>the share excess had activated itself


Think I will just go back to normal firmware, as good as this 3.0 is, and it has some potential, I think its not worth the hassle at the moment


Thanks for your help

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Share excess is usually the culprit for that kind of thing, that's why I usually recommend leaving it enabled all the time. 

That is fair enough, thank you for the report, we'll be working on new firmware to improve stability.

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