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new update after beta?

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hello i am currently using firmware (V2.3.2.104-DumaOS3.0-Beta) and i notice that there is a new update (V2.3.2.114). assuming by the number i guess this is a newer 3.0? 

but i have a few questions. 

is it 3.0? and it is safe to install or are there issues with it?

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The one you're referring to is the pre-beta which doesn't have the 3.0 features. There is however, a 3.0 .114 beta version that you can find here: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-DumaOS-3-0/New-Firmware-v2-3-2-108-XR500/m-p/2047897/highlight/true#M3540 

It is quite stable for a beta build. 

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