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when partying up with friends from east coast united states


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So my question is when partying with friends from that area and when I set geo filter to be more around them they have really bad connection when playing aw with me and I'm 3 baring because of distance but have no problems at all. Is there a happy medium I can use? And when I play solo it's fine of course lol. Other than great product

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok coulple of things here:

  1. We know adding friends is a bit of a tedious process at the moment, we have a solution for that coming soon
  2. When you do the NAT test disable the geo-filter, if your NAT becomes open then don't worry its a false positive as explained here

To disable the geo-filter, under the select service at the top of the page you'll see the button "Disable". Select that for the appropriate server :)

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