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Uncaught Unmatched device

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I rebooted my XR1000 because start to malfunction and did a factory reset, again... Then this happens when I try to add devices to the Geo Filter....


I rebooted it 2 times now.. the same error


Update: I Updated the firmware, kept rebooting the router, but, nothing works.





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This error is caused by a device being deleted from the router that was previously added to the Geo-Filter, the two fixes at the moment are:

  1. Re-add the device to the router, giving it the same name and device type
  2. Factory reset
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43 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

This error is caused by a device being deleted from the router that was previously added to the Geo-Filter, the two fixes at the moment are:

  1. Re-add the device to the router, giving it the same name and device type
  2. Factory reset

The devices were unable to be added so I had to Factory Reset it.



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